BioMed@MAVT kickoff event - a successful showcase of D-MAVT's biomedical research

We are delighted that the first BioMed@MAVT event on October 16 was a resounding success. BioMed@MAVT was created to present current biomedical and medical technology research at D-MAVT and bring together researchers from the department working on these topics. It addressed potential academic and industrial partners in order to establish future collaborations. And, it gave students an insight into possible options for a career in the biomedical industry.

BioMed@MAVT took place in the AudiMax with over 200 participants, including students, doctoral candidates, professors and industry partners.

The event showcased current research in the biomedical and medical technology field at D-MAVT, which is based on the interdisciplinary work of process and mechanical engineers within the department. BioMed@MAVT presented different research groups and highlighted their technical skills and expertise. Beyond the aim of broadcasting the biomedical work of D-MAVT to potential academic and industrial partners, and of building future collaborations, the event allowed students a glimpse of potential options for a career in the biomedical industry.

The organization of this event would not have been possible without the great efforts of the PhD students involved in the organizing committee, as well as the generous contribution of MAVT and the financial support of all the sponsors.

This successful symposium is a testament to our commitment to fostering an environment of innovation and excellence. Stay tuned for future updates as we continue to navigate and contribute to the dynamic landscape of biomedical research at D-MAVT.

Researchers at BioMed@MAVT
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